In the current economic climate, many people have found themselves forced to apply for rent supplement, commonly known as rent allowance. Also as part of the economic slowdown, many landlords are now looking more favourably on rent allowance tenancies as a means of earning income on what otherwise would be an empty house or apartment.

Questions often asked about rent allowance include:

Who is eligible for rent allowance?

People living in privately rented houses and apartments are entitled to rent supplement if they cannot afford to pay the rent themselves. Most people relying on social welfare or HSE payments as their only source of income are entitled to receive rent supplement.

What are the qualifying conditions to receive rent allowance?

To qualify for a rent supplement, the community welfare officer for the area where the applicant is located must be satisfied that the applicant is genuinely in need of the rent supplement. The community welfare officer will check that the accommodation that the applicant is living in is suitable for their requirements and that the rent the applicant is expected to pay each week is less than the maximum rental amount payable by the HSE for the county the applicant is living in.
Is there a means test to qualify for rent allowance?

The applicant for rent allowance may also be required to fulfill a means test to assess their genuine need for assistance in paying their house or apartment weekly rent. The application form for rent supplement has more details on what documentation is required.

Can I claim rent allowance if I have a job?

People in full time employment, or who have refused a second offer of local authority accommodation within a twelve month period, or who are engaged in a full time course of education, such as a university degree, will not normally qualify for rent allowance. Some exemptions to these restrictions may be made for those people involved in the back to education programme.

People working over 30 hours a week are deemed to be in full time employment and will not be eligible for rent allowance. Married or co-habiting couples will be refused rent allowance if one of them is engaged in full time employment.

What income can I earn that will allow me to claim rent allowance?

Among the sources of income that can be received and still not affect the entitlement to rent allowance are:
Financial assistance from certain charitable bodies, state mobility allowance or child benefit, supplementary welfare allowance and any income received from the housing of students in the recognized gaelteacht areas.

Where can I get more advice?

Advice on your entitlement to rent allowance can be found at your citizens advice centre or from your local community welfare officer. The latest information on rental allowance can be found on

This article is only intended as a basic general summary and you should always seek professional advice where necessary.

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