Before we enter the definition of career guidance will explain the meaning of a career first for easier to understand the purpose of career guidance.According Supriatna and Bidiman (Murray: 1983) Career can be said as a range of interrelated work activities, in this case someone promote life by involving a variety of behaviors, abilities, attitudes, needs, aspirations and ideals of his own life as a single range ( the span of one's' life).According Ilfiandra and Supriatna (Tohari, 1986) Career covering all aspects of the lives of individuals are included: (1) the role of life (life-roles), such as workers, family members and community residents. (2) the environment of life (life-settings), as in family, community agencies, school or at work. (3) life events (life-event), as in entering employment, marriage, moving the task, losing a job or resign from a job.Based on various opinions on the above, it can be concluded that the career is a meaningful self-realization through a series of activities and cover all aspects of life that form because of the strength of inner self person.Perwujudan will be meaningful when there is satisfaction / happiness of ourselves and the environment.From the above meaning we will enter the career of the guidance karir.menurut pengetian Yeni Karneli (Donald D. Super: 1975) defines career guidance as a process of personal help to develop the acceptance of unity and self-image and role in the world kerja.Menurut this limitation, there are two important things, first the process of helping individuals to understand and accept yourself, and both understand and adjust to the world of work.Career guidance is the process of aid given to students to understand themselves, understand the values, understanding the environment, identify problems and ways to overcome, and to plan for the future (Department of Education Central Java Province, 1991:4).According Ilfiandra and Supriatna (Herr and Cramer, 1979: 6) Guidance careers defined as the process helps in choosing a job, preparing for, entering, and make progress in it.From the definition above experts may be taken the center line, that career guidance is a process of assistance, information services and approach to the individual / group for individuals to know and understand themselves, know the world of work to determine career choices, able to make career decisions and recognize that The decision is the most appropriate / suitable to the circumstances connected with his career requirements that would practiced.
There are some basic principles which are considered as the foundation or platform for service-karier.Prinsip guidance of this principle comes from the philosophical concept of humanity which is the basis for the provision of assistance or career guidance services in schools. These principles are as follows:a. Career guidance is intended for all individu.Prinsip this means that the career guidance given to all individuals or learners.b. All students should have equal opportunities to develop themselves in precisely the achievement of his career. All students have equal opportunities in the use of career guidance facilities. There are no exceptions either rich or miskin.Setiap students have an equal right to develop themselves and to plan a career in accordance with the capabilities that exist in themselves, through career guidance.c. Every student should understand that a career is as a way of life, and education is a preparation for life. Provide career guidance to studen ts in career understanding, that after graduation, they need a place and work to apply the science that has been received dibangku sekolah.Karir which will serve as a means to achieve happiness of life and its future. With career guidance students to have autonomy in deciding and choosing a career that can give life and his future happiness.d. Students should be assisted in developing memadahi sufficient understanding of self and relation to personal and social development planning of career education. Self-understanding as a first step in career planning, provide encouragement for students to know and learn everything there is in him. With self-understanding, students have the ability to pick and choose which career fits / fit and able to give pleasure in living it.e. Students as a whole should be helped to gain an understanding of the relationship between education and vocational education institutions karirnya.SMK as a print skilled workers who are ready to work. Graduate s of vocational students are expected to have autonomy in managing themselves and their ability to prepare for a world of work. Through career guidance students gain an understanding of the alignment field of vocational currently occupied by career fields that will be practiced later.f. Each student should choose the opportunity to test the concept, the various roles and skills in order to develop the values and norms that have an application for a career in her future. Vocational students should have the initiative and creativity in adding to and expanding the knowledge gained to develop themselves and their ability as a stepping-stone to prepare themselves in facing the future of his career. Students who already have more values in its ability not feared to have independence in choosing a suitable career with his situation.g. Career Guidance Program in schools should be integrated functionally with guidance and counseling program padakhususnya. Program materials in penyamp aiannyadiintegrasikan with career guidance counseling guidance materials. This inidilakukan for career guidance is part of the guidance counseling.h. Career guidance programs in schools should focus in the classroom with coordination by the supervisor, with the participation of people tuadan community contributions. Until recently the implementation of career guidance provided since grade 1 to grade 3, provide a double service, namely the room and classroom guidance. In class the students have equal opportunity to obtain guidance, and support parent participation and the role of the surrounding masyaraka.From some of the principles contained in career guidance, we can conclude that, career guidance in its implementation have umun and clear guidelines in providing services to students in detecting self, providing service on the characteristics of the workforce so as to create self-reliance in determining the direction students choose careers that match with his situation, to be able to achieve happiness in the future life career.
Career guidance as a whole guidance process has benefits that are enjoyed by clients in directing themselves and create independence in choosing careers that match students' abilities. According Prayitno Guidance and Counselling in his book argues that:a. The vocational students at the end of semester two need to undergo the selection of courses of study or majors.b. Vocational students who will embark into the world of work would require career guidance for students to work with happy and baik.Sesuai with the aim of vocational education that graduates of vocational school students printed a skilled staff that is ready to face the world of work / working.c. Students of SMK is a potential labor force, since it is necessary that the best preparation to face the future, prepare well jobs, positions corresponding to the potential that exists in them, through career guidance.From the above opinions, it can be concluded that the contribution is held by a career in vocational gui dance service is more focused on attitude formation process of self-reliance in planning students select a career direction, in which students are expected to be able to choose the appropriate department with an understanding of himself, active and initiative in utilize career information, prepare yourself early on materially and psychologically in the face of the world in his career for having an attitude of independence in determining the appropriate direction so choose a career in live it with feeling happy without a load.
In general, the purpose of the Career Guidance in SMK by Dewa Ketut Sukardi in his book, Career Guidance, (1985:31-34) is to help students in understanding themselves and their environment, in decision-making, planning, and directing the activities that led to career and way of life that will give you a sense of satisfaction as appropriate, harmonious, and balanced with himself and lingkungannya.Sedangkan specific objectives were targeted Career Guidance in the Vocational School, including:a. Implemented in vocational career guidance aims to enable students to increase knowledge about themselves (self concept).b. Implemented in vocational career guidance aims to enable students to increase knowledge about the world of work.c. Implemented in vocational career guidance aims to enable students to develop attitudes and values themselves in the face of employment options as well as in preparation to enter.d. Implemented in vocational career guidance aims to enable students to e nhance thinking skills to be able to make decisions about the appropriate position with himself and is available in the world of work.e. Implemented in vocational career guidance aims to enable students to master the basic skills that are important in the work, especially the ability to communicate, cooperate, initiative and so forth.From the above description, it can be concluded that the goal of career in vocational guidance is more focused on services that lead to the preparation towards the world's future career.
a. Career Development Services MaturityMaturity career development services is a service that seeks to facilitate the guidance aperkembangan career maturity of students. Career maturity in question is the readiness of students to make career decisions accordingly. There are two dimensions that need to be developed to build students' career maturity, career maturity yakn dimensional nature of cognitive and non-cognitive. Cognitive dimension of students' career maturity consists of aspects of knowledge about the world of information work, knowledge of the preferred group work and knowledge about making decisions.Non-cognitive dimension of students' career maturity consists of career planning, career exploration, decision realism karir.Dengan Thus, maturity career development service meant to facilitate the development of the sixth aspect of the student. Facilitate means to member convenience to students to develop a sixth aspect, either through physical or psychological assi stance.b. Development Services Career Opportunities AnalysisAnalysis of opportunities for career development services is a service that seeks to facilitate guidance of the development of analytical skills career opportunities. Career opportunities are the various opportunities that can be used as a path to a career. In other words, analysis of career development services is a process of facilitating the students so that they develop the ability to analyze opportunities for berkarir.Ada four aspects that underlie students have the ability to analyze career opportunities, namely the development of (1) career awareness, (2) the attitude of his career, (3) career motives, and (4) career commitment.c. Development Services Career Decision Making AbilityCareer decisions are the determination of career options. Career choices are the choices of activities that support or are relevant to students' future careers. Thus, making a career decision means the process of determining the cho ices of activities that support or are relevant to students' future career. Career decision occurred on the long span of human life. For example, an elementary school students interested in becoming a fashion designer. Then he would often watch movies and read magazines or books related to fashion. For elementary school children is a decision for watching movies and reading is one of the right career decisions. However, if he prefers to watch movies and read magazines or books that are not related to fashion design as a war movie, one can say that that choice is one that is not quite right career decision. Vocational students are expected to make appropriate career decisions. That is, they were able to determine the activity of which support his future career. Ability is based on the knowledge, readiness, and skills of students.
B. CAREER GUIDANCE ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDENTS IN CHOOSING CAREER READINESSIndonesia has experienced problems in the field of employment formincrease in total labor force which exceeds the rate of employment growth, consequently increasing the number of unemployed bertambah.dan one of the "contributor" is a graduate unemployment SMK.salah one cause is lack of information and understanding of their students about the world of work and time than that of depan.maka vocational students need a guidance to understand the various information and also to memoitvasi themselves so they are more independent in choosing their career continuation.From the above description of the career guidance and of several factors that cause less dimaksimalkannya ability of students to look at its future, the relationship between career guidance and career readiness of students in choosing a very erat.Karena through career guidance, vocational students are given the service of self-underst anding of the career trends, career services to environmental information and services in planning his career.With career guidance is expected students can detect the existing capabilities in themselves, how to address the environmental demands of career and career plan for future career requirements can be realized and are able to make ends meet. From an array of services and directions contained in career guidance are able to create independence of students in choosing careers that will be chosen later. This is demonstrated through the freedom in choosing a career that fit with the capabilities themselves and not depend on others, have stability in choosing a career that will be occupied and have a sense of responsibility towards a career choice later. The attitude of independence of students in choosing a career can be created from an understanding of themselves, information about the career environment which provides an overview / characteristics of the working environme nt and the ability of students in career planning to be established as the days ahead.
Of all the exposure can be concluded that career guidance is very important for vocational students. In other words, for the achievement of student competencies Vocational School (SMK) is optimal in terms of both psychological and non-psikolgis students in desperate need of help or guidance from outside itself to obtain important information needed for its readiness to continue in karir.namun in its application not only students are involved Naum also required good cooperation between management and leadership is also optimal, subject teachers, and counselors in charge of guidance and counseling, which all was included in elements of education in schools so that everything can be achieved.
The advice can be given based on the discussion above is:1. Seeing the importance of career guidance in every vocational school vocational school it should hold careers guidance services for the siswa.Sedangkan for schools that already hold career guidance services should be to maximize the delivery of information at the time of the holding of information services.2. Seeing the importance of career guidance for students, all levels of schooling should be given career guidance services for the students to prepare or plan their future later.
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