You probably have a lot of questions regarding work at home employment which is a good thing. Asking questions means that you realize that there is still a lot you need to know about working from home and that you are willing to ask people for help. Here are answers to most of the questions that people ask when it comes to working from home.What kinds of jobs are available in a work at home setup?There are actually a lot of opportunities for you to work at home. Even by just searching online, you would find a multitude of job listings that allow telecommuting - most of these though are sales and marketing related or graphics and web design. Still, there are other options available for you. In fact, why not try asking your current job first if they have a telecommuting job. With the recession and the efforts of companies to lessen expenses, chances are there's one that your company offers.Am I still required to work a number of hours?Yes and no. Most work at home jobs are a ctually contractual or on a project basis, meaning you don't really have to "report" to work everyday but that you have to submit an output at a given time. There are also other work at home employment though that requires you to be online or available at a certain period of time. These jobs of course will have a better pay and will usually work out for the long-term.What about benefits?Unless your job is a telecommuting job and is part of a legit company, you probably wouldn't have any sick leaves, insurance, vacations leaves and such. The beauty of being employed in a work at home setup though is that you are in control of your time. If you feel like you're going to be sick or you want to go on a vacation, you just have to let your clients know about it. Of course, you probably won't be paid for that day or you probably have to work harder once you're back in order to meet deadlines. How will I get paid?If what you have is an online job, then chances are, you will be paid electronically. The most popular method is through PayPal though there are some clients who are willing to do bank-to-bank transfers. Unless you are employed on a regular basis, most of the payments are made once you have delivered the desired output.