If you have a career in finance you might be asking yourself whether it's really the career for you. First, you have to decide whether you are happy overall with your current job. If you are, then you're set. If you're not, you need to know why. You should look at what your expectations are and whether they're being met, what you're motivated by and what you would expect from your next job if you were to seek other employment. If you have colleagues that you can trust, ask their opinions. You can also talk to friends and family members to see what they think you'd be best at or happy doing. Next, you should carry out a SWOT analysis on yourself. By analyzing what your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are, you have a good chance of determining whether your expectations are realistic, what your selling points are to a potential future employer, and how marketable you are. After that, you'll want to look at the market. There may be geographical restrictions t hat you have, you need to think about your salary, and you also have to take a look at the kind of environment that you are interested in working in.

Not everyone thrives in the same kind of environment, so you have to find what works best for you before you can be happy in your finance career. Once you've determined what kind of market you want to work in, you should find the company that provides the best fit for you and explore your options with that company and ones like it. Are the hiring? Do you have the qualifications that they're looking for? Your resume and cover letter can tell a lot about you, and you want it to be concise, to the point and indicative of everything that you're capable of doing. Once you get to that point with it, you should be able to start shopping around to find a company that not only gives you the salary you want but the kind of job you're looking for and the type of environment that you want to work in. Your finance career can be very challenging but also very rewarding if you take the time to make the most of it.

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