As an older adult I realize every day that my body is aging - the aches, the pains, the increasing difficulty of performing certain tasks are stark indicators that a time is coming when I may no longer be physically able to care for myself. What am I going to do when that time comes? I don't want to impose the responsibility for my care onto my daughters. They have their own busy lives to lead, families to care for, and careers to follow - they don't need the additional burden of caring for a physically deteriorating man. The thought of going into a nursing home at some time in my future sends cold chills of terror through my body. I've had experience with older relatives in nursing homes. I don't want to go through the troubling experiences they went through.

Recently my anxiety has been eased considerably. I discovered a much more satisfactory alternative for my senior care. I have learned about the 2B Foundation, which is committed to providing senior housing that consists of independent living units linked to a senior care facility. () In the 2B foundation's senior housing units we can live our own lives in a home that will be our own. And yet there is a senior care facility available on site, which is staffed by experienced senior care specialists, to meet our health care needs when we have them.

The 2B Foundation is dedicated to enabling seniors to realize a high quality of life in their later years. Their motto is "striving to thrive". They want to enable seniors to take control of the decisions that affect our lives and our future, and to choose the senior care options that seem best to us. The 2B Foundation wants all elders to know that there is an alternative to nursing homes for our advanced senior care. The 2B Foundation is also committed to improving public policy regarding the financial and health care needs of senior citizens, and to change from a system which seeks to make senior citizens dependents under the control of the system.

For more information, visit the 2B Foundation web site at

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