Are you looking for a job which can help you earn lots of money? We usually do not know how much we want to earn. We have lots of expectations and the more we earn the better. 100K salary jobs have become quite common these days.
People are usually not interested to work under this amount. Today most of the professionals of various fields are paid highly but this was not possible sometimes back. The world had to go through recession which dropped the expectations of many.
But now things are under control and the companies have increased the salary rate. 100K salary employment is the talk of the town and people are quite happy that now they do not need to compromise with their salary.
Along with the salary hike the job pressure has also increased which is quite natural. If you are interested in 100K salary jobs then you also need to search for the 100K salary companies because all the companies do not have similar pay scale.
A sal es professional might make more than 100K in a company but another person doing the same job might earn less. So search for the six figure salary jobs along with the 100K salary companies. Here is a list of the top 10 100K salary jobs opportunities.
1. Do you have any idea that how much the sales professionals make these days? If these professionals can increase the sales figure of the companies then they are really paid well.
2. Being a coach can also help you earn 100K and even more. This is one of the most interesting 100K salary jobs available these days. But it is very important to make sure that you perform well so that your team does not lose consistently.
3. If you are in the medical field and you are a surgeon then making 100K is not at all difficult. These people can even make $200,000 and even more. Being in the medical field can help you earn huge money.
4. Physicians are people who are also in the medical field and the y earn a handsome amount of money. The average earning of these people are at least $165,000 or sometimes even more.
5. Orthodontists also have 100K salary employment. They treat the wrong alignment of your jaw and teeth.
6. Technical writing is also considered among the six figure salary jobs.
7. Air traffic controller professionals also earn quite a lot of money.
8. A court reporter is reported to earn 100K salaries. They belong to the 100K salary agencies.
9. If you have interested in food then you can become a restaurant manager for 100K salary jobs.
10. Finally you can be a mine manager. The job is a bit hazardous and hence well paid.