President Obama has reached an agreement with Republicans in regards to what could be called the "2011 Stimulus Plan". The tax reduction and spending agreement is broad based. It will benefit the whole economic spectrum of the American populace.

The framework agreement announced by the President secures vital tax relief and investments in our workers that will create jobs & accelerate economic growth. The plan has three key accomplishments:

Working families will not lose their tax cut. A typical working family faced a tax increase of over $3,000 on January 1st. That's avoided under this framework agreement, and working families won't see their tax cuts go away next year.

Focused on high impact job creation measures. The framework agreement includes some of the best measures for jump-starting growth and job creation, including a full year of emergency employment insurance benefits, an about $120 billion payroll tax cut for working families and a continuation of tax credits for working families. This is on top of growth generated by extension of the middle-class income tax rates.

Does not worsen the medium- and long-term deficit. These are responsible, temporary measures to support our economy that will not add costs by the middle of the decade. The President does not believe it is affordable to make the high-income tax cuts permanent and will continue to have that debate in the years ahead.

Overview of the Framework agreement:

Extending the 2001/2003 Income-Tax Rates for two years. The framework agreement includes a mutually agreed upon solution to the impasse over taxes by extending the 2001/2003 income tax rates for two years and reforming the AMT to ensure that an additional 21 million households will not be hit with a tax increase. These measures will provide relief to more than 100 million middle-class families and prevent a tax increase of over $2,000 for the typical family.

Additional Provisions Designed to promote vigorous economic growth. In addition to the 2001/2003 rates, the administration secured several provisions that are vital for our economy's growth, which would not have been possible without this framework agreement: $56 billion in unemployment insurance, an about $120 billion payroll tax cut for working families and students; and 100% expensing for businesses next year.

Growth-Oriented Payroll Tax Cut for Workers:

The framework agreement reached by the administration includes about 2% employee-side payroll tax cut for over 155 million workers-providing tax relief of about $120 billion next year. This tax cut will have a major impact on jobs and growth-creating substantial numbers of jobs. It is widely recognized by economists across the political spectrum as a high bang for the buck way to boost growth and was cited by both major deficit reduction commissions as consistent with long term fiscal discipline.

A payroll tax cut has been endorsed by experts and commentators from across the political spectrum. Just last month, both the President's Fiscal Commission and the Bipartisan Policy Center's Debt Reduction Task Force described a payroll tax cut in 2011 as an effective way to spur growth and job creation. The tax cut legislation would provide for a transfer of General Revenues to the Social Security Trust Fund, ensuring no negative impact on Social Security solvency. And, as economist Nouriel Roubini wrote earlier this year, a payroll tax cut would spur growth because "for employees, the increased take-home pay would boost much-needed economic consumption and advance the still-crucial process of deleveraging households".

High Impact, Job creating Tax Cuts for Working Families

Economic studies consistently find that lower-income households are the most likely to spend additional money, creating jobs & helping overall growth. That's why the Congressional Budget office, for instance, has concluded that "policies aimed at lower-income households tend to have greater stimulative effects." The President fought to secure a two-year increase of the full Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit. These provisions will, together, provide ongoing tax cuts to 12 million lower income families, with a total of 24 million children. In addition, the deal fully extends the American Opportunity Credit for two years.

Lower-income working families benefited by expansions in EITC and CTC

Families Children

Total 12.2 24.3

White 5.6 9.8

Hispanic 3.7 8.0

African American 2.2 4.7

Other 0.7 1.7

Illustrative Family: A working family with 3 children making $20,000 will continue to receive a tax cut of more than $2,000 as a result of the EITC and Child Tax Credit expansions in this framework agreement. The same family would receive an additional $400 tax cut from the new payroll tax cut.

Child Tax Credit: The $1,000 child tax credit will be extended for two years with the $3,000 refund-ability threshold established in the Recovery Act. This extension will ensure an ongoing tax cut to 10.5 million lower income families with 18 million children.

Earned Income Tax Credit: The Recovery Act included an expansion of the EITC worth, on average, $600 in additional assistance to families with 3 or more children. It also helped working married families by reducing the marriage penalty in EITC. Continuing this tax cut for two years will benefit 6.5 million working parents with 15 million children.

American Opportunity Tax Credit: The Recovery Act included a new, partially refundable tax credit of up to $2,500 to help students and their families cover the cost of college tuition. This deal fully extends AOTC for two years, ensuring that more than 8 million students will continue to receive this tax benefit to help them afford college.

Unemployment Insurance:

The framework agreement extended unemployment benefits at their current level for 13 months, through the end of 2011. This will save millions of Americans searching for work from losing their unemployment benefits in the coming months and will create hundreds of thousands of jobs.

In December alone, 2 million workers who would have lost benefits will continue to receive them because of this framework agreement over the next year, 7 million workers will no longer need to worry that their unemployment benefits could be eliminated as they search for jobs.

According to the Council of Economic Advisers, passing this provision will create 600,000 jobs in 2011 alone.

Business Tax Cuts To Increase Investment and Growth:

In September, the President called for temporarily allowing businesses to expense all of their investments in 2011. This growth-oriented tax cut was included in the framework agreement.

According to the Treasury Department, complete expensing could generate more than $50 billion in additional investment in the U.S. and would be the largest temporary investment incentive in American history.

The framework agreement also includes a 2-year extension of the R & D tax credit and other tax incentives to support business expansion.

Starting this year also, you can file state taxes online free. If you decide to do your own taxes online visit us at

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