You have made the decision to become a nurse, and now you are interested in finding the best Delaware nursing programs. Perhaps you are not sure about the specialized focus in nursing that you want to pursue, but you are to be commended with your career choice. You can expect great satisfaction from doing a job that makes a difference in peoples lives. Furthermore, the many different paths that Delaware offers may lead you toward a career you have not yet even considered.

You may be a high school student, or have already started your career as a nurse practitioner, or obtained your associates degree in nursing, and are now interested in a college that offers bachelor and masters degrees in your field. Not only will your nursing education benefit you, it will also enhance the nursing profession and the community. Nursing education is a life-long learning process, and your college will provide you with the base of theoretic knowledge to prepare you to practice nursing in many ways as your career advances.

Bachelor Degree in Nursing at Nursing Schools in Delaware

A BS in Nursing prepares you to practice as a professional nurse. As early as your first semester in college, you will begin clinical experiences at the same time as you are learning liberal arts and sciences. Your final senior semester will offer you the opportunity to select a specialized area of practice. This program prepares you to take the NCLEX exam to become a registered nurse (RN). You will be able to provide nursing services to people who want to maintain health, who need medical evaluations, and who are experiencing acute or chronic illness.

Nurses not only provide and manage care, they also must be able to think through problems to find possible solutions, demonstrate clinical competence, and be committed to the value of professional nursing care.

Many Delaware nursing programs provide financial aid, grants, and other assistance. In addition, nursing applicants may want to consider Army ROTC Nursing partnerships that provide the opportunity for practical experience coupled with financial assistance for college. In a program like this, you can develop your nursing skills while serving your country.

Nursing programs usually have small student to faculty ratios for clinical rotations and classrooms to provide as much individual attention as possible. The main goal in the BS program is to pass the NCLEX exam to become a nurse. Schools that are accredited have better pass percentages on this exam. Look for Delaware colleges that are accredited by the National League for Nurses Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) and have maintained the accredited status, and are approved by the Delaware State Board of Nursing.

Many nursing schools in Delaware allow Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) graduates to further their education and receive a Masters Degree in Nursing in five semesters plus a summer. This allows ADNs to move forward in their careers and to function as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Health Promotion and Wellness. Again, when searching for this type of program, look for one that is fully accredited by the National League for Nurses Accrediting Commission (NLNAC).

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