In order to find the perfect technical job for you, first of all you must know what you want and what you can get. For many people, the "perfect job" is one with no work hours and an infinite salary. However, this is absolutely no basis to go upon when sending out applications.

To find a job that suits you perfectly, first you must know your strengths and weaknesses. Some people work well under constant and unrelenting pressure, while others would break without relaxed deadlines. Some are best while working alone, while others make excellent motivators and team leaders. You may have a powerful analytic brain, or you may be a storehouse of useful information that you use timely and effectively. Depending upon your personality and strengths, you may be suited for a variety of roles in the technical industry.

After a thorough self-evaluation, you can choose the jobs that you are suited for. You may aim to be a consultant or an on-site engineer, or you may choose to go into human resources. If you want a change of career later on, plan accordingly so that you can switch industries after a certain degree of seniority.

You will find news of jobs in both well-known and highly unexpected places. Job boards both online and offline are the usual suspects, while the local newspaper classifieds may also contain opportunities worth exploring - especially for fresh graduates.

Other than this, jobs can turn up quite unexpectedly - from referrals, or through people you meet at professional gatherings. Social networking for professional purposes, however, takes a lot of time and effort - something that a fresh graduate with no leverage behind him really cannot afford.

Recruitment agencies, therefore, are the best bet for people who have been unable to find a job after searching on their own for a few months. Recruitment agencies are equipped with much more information about the industry they deal with than any single person can gather in a matter of months. In addition, their experience enables them to judge the competence of a candidate for a particular job - especially when the candidate himself/herself is unsure.

The best recruitment agencies have branches spread across nations all over the world. This gives their applicants a chance to work - even if for a short time - in a country outside their own, which can be extremely useful for people planning to deal with international affairs later on. Also, they have a large number of prominent companies as their clients, and can supply their demands for short-term and long-term workers much faster than a smaller recruitment agency.

Remember, however, that your first job may or may not be the perfect one. But once you enter the working field, promotions and transfers are much easier to get.

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